ma - sh - ki - ki - ke

Sudbury 2050 International Urban Design Ideas Competition, McEwen School of Architecture, Laurentian University (2020)

Honorable Mention (2nd place)

Contributing Ecological Artist, Researcher + Videographer

Emilio Portal / Matthew Hunter / Jayden Daoust / Elyse Portal / William Morin / Miranda Virtanen / Naomi Grant / Cora-Rae Silk / Camille Tremblay / Simon Blakeley / Rebecca Elphick / Megan Tran (Open Category)

Sudbury 2050

A design challenge put forward by the McEwen School of Architecture to reimagine this Northern Ontario city in the face of climate change.

Design response:

Ma-sh-ki-ki-ke: A story of healing, pour nous et pour la terre

"Ma-sh-ki-ki-ke" (mu-sh-ki-ki-kay), an Anishnaabemowin word that means: to make medicine.

Our team, grounded in grassroots community priorities with a seed vision from 1000 citizens, envisioned downtown as a place of healing for people, land, water, plants and animals.

5 themes:

Decolonial, Ecologically Resilient, Net Zero, Caring and Vibrant.

The main moves of this project can be found here:

in the Canadian Competitions Catalogue


mnemonic for the commons